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Cerebrum - by ozwalled


The Cerebrum enemy from Mother 1. Another one of my favorite pieces, mostly because it's so close to what was in my mind before my digital pen touched my Wacom tablet.
Maybe it's just my neuropsychology background at work, but I thought that the Cerebrum to be one of the cooler, more fitting of the "campy" enemy ideas in EB0. I mean, he's a brain, on a glass-domed platter with legs sticking out the bottom! How awesome is that! The legs on the original didn't look quite so human, so I decided to have them look human-ish, but not quite.

Other Submissions by ozwalled

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ozwalled On the Loose!
An Eagleland News Network update: The Master Criminal Worm is still at large. Intelligence reports have him spotted in Scaraba...
10/25/05 0.00
ozwalled Paula: Snake Tamer
Just silliness.
9/21/05 0.00
ozwalled Watcher
From EarthBound Zero, the Watcher, complete with its funny in-game description.
9/21/05 0.00
ozwalled Cave of the Past
Ultimate Octobot, Wild and Wooly Shambler and Ghost of Starman: some of the obstacles encountered in the Cave of the Past.
9/21/05 0.00
ozwalled Warning
Flint, seeing a grim warning in the distance. Inspired by and based on one of the EB64 screenshots.
9/21/05 7.00


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